Preventing a Heat Stroke

As summer is near, we know how harsh the sun can be. Especially here in the Imperial County and Coachella Valley, we reach temperatures up to 110 and sometimes even higher! We will discuss how you and your family can stay safe during the summer time.
What is a heat stroke? A heat stroke is a condition caused by your body over heating, usually as a result of prolonged exposure to or physical exertion in high temperatures.
A heat stroke can kill or cause damage to the brain and other internal organs.
Know the signs:
Dry, hot, red skin
Lack of sweating
Rapid, shallow breathing
What do do if you or someone you know experience any of the symptoms above:
Call 911/transport them to a hospital
Put the person in a cool area/shade
Fan while misting with cool water
Let the person drink cool water
Place ice packs to the person’s armpits, groin, neck, and back
If they begin to lose consciousness and show no signs of breathing, coughing, or movement, begin CPR
Everyone can be at risk for a heat stroke. Here’s what you can do to prevent your chances:
Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages
Drink plenty of water
Avoid activities on humid days/plan activities in doors
Dress in loose clothing
Use sunscreen with a SPF of 30 or more
Limit your time outdoors
Take a cool shower before