Diabetes Care

What is diabetes?
Diabetes is when you have too much sugar in your blood. High blood sugar problems start when your body no longer makes enough of a chemical or hormone called insulin.
Types of Diabetes:
Type 2 diabetes- a condition in which affects the way the body processes blood sugar
Type 1 diabetes- a condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin
Diabetes a condition in which blood sugar levels are high, but are not high enough to be type 2 diabetes
Gestational diabetes- a form of high sugars affecting pregnant woman
Make sure you are getting the right proper care. Make sure to talk to your Doctors such as:
Foot doctor
Eye doctor
Also get educated on diabetes. Learn about healthy meals, recipes, and how to manage your cholesterol.Taking care of your diabetes reduces the risk of having other complications.
Affects on the body
When you have diabetes you may have different affects. Often, there are no symptoms. Here are a few affects diabetes have on your body:
EYES- diabetes can cause problems with your eyes. It is the leading cause of blindness.
BLOOD SUGAR- this leads to persistently elevated blood sugar levels
HEART- can increase susceptibility to heart attacks
KIDNEYS- can cause damage to the kidneys
NERVES- can cause nerve damage making the hands and feet to hurt, tingle, or feel numb.
MOUTH- can cause dry mouth, infections, cavities, and gum disease.
SKIN- lack of moisture can cause the skin on your feet to dry and crack
How to live with diabetes
One third of people living with diabetes don’t even know they have this disease. Once you learn that you have diabetes you may feel sad or overwhelmed but you are not alone. It may be difficult to break some bad habits but here are a few steps you can take for better diabetes care:
Eat healthy- eating healthy can help you keep your blood sugars where they need to be. Also a dietitian can help you with meal preparation
Don’t smoke- smoking increases your risk of various diabetes complications
Exercise- even if its only 30 minutes of walking, dancing, or going to the gym get up and get out there
Relieve stress- stress can make blood sugar levels harder to control
Drink plenty of water
Don’t skip medications- follow your doctors recommendation and don’t skip any medications even if you feel fine
Talk to your Doctor and know your numbers.
Blood pressure
When visiting your doctor ask him about annual check ups for
Cholesterol test
Foot exam
Dental exam
Eye exam
Flu shot
Blood test